Archimandrite Nilos

Archimandrite Nilos

According to the London correspondent of the Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle (29 October 1863): 'We have lately been lionising the head of the Greek Church, the "Archimandrite Nilos." The Bishop of London, in order to show his love for the Greek, as well as using the opportunity for casting a slur upon the head of the Catholic Church, has been introducing him to all the circle of fashionable society. His first acquaintanceship began by the Bishop giving a soirée, at which master Nilos was hob-nobbing it arm in arm with my Lord Bishop, for the edification of the upper ten thousand, who were the favoured guests. The Archimandrite's visit to this country is in connection with the recent seizure of some church property by the ruling Prince in Servia [sic] and to secure the good offices of our Government in his behalf.'

Photographed by Messrs Walker and Sons of London and registered by them at Stationers' Hall on 13 August 1863.

According to an advertisement in the classified columns of The Times (2 September 1863):

‘ARCHIMANDRITE NILOS – Cartes de Visite of this eminent ecclesiastic representative of the four Eastern Patriarchs can now be obtained of Messrs. WALKER and SONS, No. 64, Margaret-street, Cavendish-square; or of any dealer in cartes de visite. Also now portraits of the Duke of Argyll, Bishop of London, &c.’


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