The Legal Stuff

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Any order placed will be deemed an acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, do not proceed with your order and do not obtain or use any scans from this website.

Use of scans: Scans are provided exclusively for the use specified by the client at the time the order is placed. It is the client’s responsibility to notify us exactly how and where any scan is to be reproduced. No variation from the pre-agreed usage is allowed except by prior, written consent. The client must notify us immediately of any intention to use the scans in any way that differs from that specified at the time the order was placed. The only reproduction rights the client has are those explicitly agreed in advance by The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography.

Who may use the scans: Scans may not under any circumstances be passed on to a third party, even within the same organisation, unless prior consent has been obtained from us. The client recognizes that all scans remain the property of The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography.

Alterations of scans: No alterations whatsoever may be made to any scan supplied by us, except the client may, if permission has been sought and granted in advance, crop a scan or flip a scan or correct the colour of a scan if necessary.

Retention of scans: Scans may only be retained for 3 months from the date that they are supplied. If for any reason the client needs to retain a scan for a longer period, prior consent must be obtained from The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography. All scans must be destroyed by the client once they have been put to the use agreed at the time the order was placed.

Assumption of use: Our assumption will be that if a scan has been delivered to a client, that client will use the scan in the manner specified at the time the order was placed and we will invoice the client accordingly. If the scan is not used for any reason, the client will need to notify us in writing.

Payment: Payment is due in full either no later than 14 days from the date on the invoice or before the scan(s) supplied by The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography appears in the agreed publication, whichever of these is the sooner. Our consent to the agreed usage does not begin until all payment has been received in full.

Credits: The client agrees to credit The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography for every image used. The credit will be clearly visible and will appear either near the reproduction or in the appropriate section of acknowledgments.

Complimentary copies: The client agrees to provide a complimentary copy of the publication in which the scan is reproduced. If a copy is requested, this will be provided as soon as is reasonably possible after publication.


© Paul Frecker 2025