Aftermath of a fire in Moorgate, 1889

Aftermath of a fire in Moorgate, 1889

According to the caption printed in the lower margin, this cabinet card shows the aftermath of a 'great fire between Milton Street and Moor Lane' that took place on 6 May 1889. 'The above view shows the back elevation of Henry Good and Son's Printing Works and Account Book Factory, which narrowly missed destruction in the fire.'

Numerous newspapers around the country reported on the blaze. 'A conflagration of considerable magnitude broke out shortly before four o'clock yesterday morning upon the premises of Messrs Gibb, known as the City Soap Works, Milton street, Fore street, City, London. The buildings are surrounded by warehouses, making them difficult to access. In fifteen minutes the roof was lifted off and burnt through, and the flames burning fiercely threatened to involve the neighbouring warehouses in Milton street and Butler street. The utmost exertions of the firemen could not prevent these being much damaged, while the soap works were completely burnt down by half-past seven. At least 20 buildings suffered, the premises of Messrs Posner and Gluckstein, Blake and Co., and H. S. Benjamin and Co. being entirely destroyed. The total damage will not be less than a quarter of a million' (Sheffield Independent, 7 May 1889).

Photographer unidentified.

Code: 127155
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