Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlotta of Mexico

Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlotta of Mexico

A carte-de-visite showing Grand Duke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria (1832-1867), brother of Emperor Franz Joseph, ruled as Emperor Maximilian of Mexico from 1864 to 1867. He is seen here with his wife, the Empress Carlotta.

Unaware of the political situation, and under the impression that he would be welcomed in Mexico, Maximilian accepted the position when the French Emperor Napoléon III’s troops occupied the country, but encountered resistance from the deposed president Juarez. Abandoned by his Imperial ally after the withdrawal of French troops in 1866 on the insistence of the USA, Maximilian assumed personal command of the army. He was captured by Mexican republicans after the siege of Queretaro and executed by a firing squad.

Photographed by Ghémar Frères of Brussels.

Code: 125411
© Paul Frecker 2025