George Reid

George Reid

A carte-de-visite portrait of the Scottish artist George Reid (later Sir George Reid), seen here wearing a monk's habit.

Born in Aberdeen in 1841, Reid produced detailed landscapes; flower pieces which were simultaneously suggestive and forceful; and portraits marked not only by great individuality but also by fine insight into character. Elected an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1870, he attained full membership in 1877 and took up his residence in Edinburgh at 17 Carlton Terrace on Calton Hill in 1882. In 1891 he was elected President of the Academy and was knighted shortly after. He held the presidency until his retirement in 1902. In later life he lived at 22 Royal Terrace on Edinburgh's Calton Hill. He died on 9 February 1913.

Photographed by John Lamb of Aberdeen.

Code: 123233
© Paul Frecker 2025