John Roseberry

John Roseberry, 'the Oldest Man in Yorkshire'

According to the printed label pasted to the reverse of the mount: 'John Roseberry was born at Whitby, January 5th, 1769, and was baptized on the 22nd of the same month by the Rev Dr Collins who was vicar at that time; consequently was 108 years of age on the 5th of January last. In 1782 he was apprenticed to a grocer and chandler in Leeds, and until he attained an ordinary good old age he followed that line of business. He married in early life and had a family of 22 children, seventeen sons and five daughters, all of whom are now dead. In April, 1870, his wife died at the age of 99.' [Dated 30 July 1877].

Photographed by H. Lord of Huddersfield in Yorkshire.

Code: 125867
© Paul Frecker 2025