Miss Eleanor Ashworth

Miss Eleanor Ashworth

A carte-de-visite portrait of Miss Eleanor Ashworth (1835-1917), later Baroness von Waldenfels.

This is the younger daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Ashworth (1783-1858), born Harriet Eleanor Jessy Ashworth on 5 August 1835 at Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park. She appears as 'Eleanor H. Ashworth' on the 1861 census, living at 8 Queen Street in London with her widowed mother Harriet. The following year her mother remarried. Her second husband was Sir George Hamilton Chichester, 3rd Marquess of Donegall, Lord Lieutenant of County Antrim and an A.D.C. to the Queen. In 1871 she was living with her mother and step-father at 22 Grosvenor Square.

On 2 September 1880 she married Baron von Waldenfels of Munich, a Chamberlain to the King of Bavaria. Her husband died on 22 February 1905, aged 63.

She appears on the 1911 census as 'Baroness Eleanor de Waldenfels.' She was living at 25 Norfolk Square in Brighton with a lady's maid named Martha Benham, who was 67 years old.

Harriet von Waldenfels died, aged 81, at 25 Norfolk Square in Brighton on 14 April 1917. She left an estate valued at £20,609 including a bequest of £2,000 to Martha Benham (The Globe, 10 July 1917).

Photographed on 27 August 1862 by Camille Silvy of London.

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© Paul Frecker 2025