Mrs Henry Wyndham Phillips

Mrs Henry Wyndham Phillips

A carte-de-visite portrait of Mrs Henry Wyndham Phillips (1832-1897).

The artist Henry Wyndham Phillips and his wife, Susan K. Phillips, appear on the 1861 census, living at 6, Church Meadow, Lewisham, near Sydenham, then in Kent, now in southeast London. At the time of the census, Mrs Phillips was 30 years old, so she was born in or about 1831. She gave Aldborough in Yorkshire as her place of birth. The couple had two daughters: the elder, Mary Albinia, was three years old; the younger was less than a month old and hadn't been named yet.

According to the lady's marriage certificate, her maiden name was Susanna Catherine Holdsworth and she was married in the parish of Aldborough on 10 July 1856. Her father's name was George Kelly Holdsworth, and his profession is given as 'Clerk' on the marriage certificate, in this case meaning a 'Clerk in Holy Orders' or simply 'Cleric', since he is also named as the priest who performed the marriage ceremony. He appears on the 1861 census, according to which he was the Vicar of Aldborough.

Widowed in 1868, Mrs Phillips never remarried. She appears on the 1891 census, Mrs Susan Katherine Phillips, aged 59, living with four servants at Green Royd, Bishopton, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. According to the census, she was 'living on her own means'.

Mrs Susan Katherine Philliips died in 1897 at the age of 66. Her death was registered at Newton Abbot in Devon.

Photographed by Camille Silvy of London on 10 July 1862.


Code: 124116
© Paul Frecker 2025