The Inglis family

The Inglis family

An extensive inscription on the facing page reads: 'On the opposite side is a photograph of members of the Inglis family - it was taken between May 1856 and June 1857 in the garden of Mrs Mason's house at St Mary's, Colchester. The persons are:

(on the extreme left) Helen and Margaret Bawtree (holding each others' hands)
Captain T. Inglis R. E. behind H. B. Jun.
Mrs Inglis, mother of Capt. Inglis and daughter of
Mrs Mason (who died June 1857)
Mrs John Bawtree Jun, holding her daughter
Charlotte, the younger sister of Helen and Margaret
Thomas Inglis Luard (myself) standing next to my
Mother, Jane Anne Luard, daughter of Mrs Inglis and sister of Mrs Bawtree. My mother died July 10, 1871.
Dorothea, wife of Capt. Inglis, holding her first child Euphemia, born May 1856. D.I. died Sept. 6th, 1864.
James Inglis, older brother of Capt. Inglis.

'This description was written by me, T.I. Luard, on July 31st, 1873.'

Photographer unidentified.

From an album compiled during the 1850s and 1860s by Mrs Jane Anne Luard (née Inglis), the wife of Rev. Thomas Garnham Luard (1821-1886), Vicar of Stansted in Essex. Mrs Luard died on 10 July 1871 and the album was inherited by her son, Thomas Inglis Luard. He added an inscription on the flyleaf reading 'This Book was my Mother's property for many years - it came to me in July 1871. / T.I. Luard.'

Photographer unidentified.


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