The Royal Hand-Bell Ringers

The Royal Hand-Bell Ringers

A carte-de-visite portrait of the Royal Hand-Bell Ringers 'with their carillon of 131 bells' as they appeared 'for the third time' before Her Majesty The Queen at Marlborough House on 14 July 1881.

According to the printed caption verso: 'The Band has also had the honor of appearing before Her Majesty THE QUEEN at Windsor Castle and at Osborne; Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales; Their Majesties the King of the Belgians, the King of Sweden and Norway, the King and Queen of Greece, &c, &c, And are the ONLY Campanologists who have attained these distinctions.'

The extensive caption also includes the names of the five men seen here. They were: Mr A.G. Pritchard, Mr J. H. Williams, Mr D. S. Miller (of 53 Richmond Terrace, Clapham Road) Mr H. Havart and Mr W. J. Havart.

Photographer unidentified.

Code: 126782
© Paul Frecker 2025