The family grave of John Gannaway

The family grave of John Gannaway

According to the 1861 census, John Gannaway was a 'Victualler' at 'The Coffee House', 32 Chatham Street, St Pancras [London]. He died on 22 May 1897 at the age of 81 but by then he had already buried four of his children and his wife. His second daughter Caroline died in 1844 before she reached her second birthday; his first daughter Sabina Ann died in 1850, aged 11; his third daughter Maria died three weeks later, aged 6; and his son John died in 1878, aged 29. His wife, Sabina Mary Ann Lucas Gannaway, died in 1863 at the age of 44.

Photographer unidentified.

Code: 122850
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